* Copyright Carlos BRITO PACHECO 2021 - 2022.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
* (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
* https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include <Rodin/Solver.h>
#include <Rodin/Geometry.h>
#include <Rodin/Variational.h>
#include <Rodin/Variational/LinearElasticity.h>
#include <RodinExternal/MMG.h>
using namespace Rodin;
using namespace Rodin::Geometry;
using namespace Rodin::External;
using namespace Rodin::Variational;
using FES = VectorP1<Mesh<Context::Local>>;
// Define interior and exterior for level set discretization
static constexpr Attribute Interior = 1, Exterior = 2;
// Define boundary attributes
static constexpr Attribute Gamma0 = 1, GammaD = 2, GammaN = 3, Gamma = 4;
// Lamé coefficients
static constexpr double mu = 0.3846;
static constexpr double lambda = 0.5769;
// Optimization parameters
static constexpr size_t maxIt = 300;
static constexpr double hmax = 0.05;
static constexpr double hmin = 0.1 * hmax;
static constexpr double hausd = 0.5 * hmin;
static constexpr double ell = 0.4;
const constexpr Real dt = 4 * (hmax - hmin);
static constexpr double alpha = dt;
// Compliance
inline Real compliance(const GridFunction<FES>& w)
auto& vh = w.getFiniteElementSpace();
TrialFunction u(vh);
TestFunction v(vh);
BilinearForm bf(u, v);
bf = LinearElasticityIntegral(u, v)(lambda, mu);
return bf(w, w);
int main(int, char**)
const char* meshFile = "../resources/examples/ShapeOptimization/LevelSetCantilever2D.mfem.mesh";
// Load mesh
MMG::Mesh th;
Alert::Info() << "Saved initial mesh to Omega0.mesh" << Alert::Raise;
// Optimization loop
std::vector<double> obj;
std::ofstream fObj("obj.txt");
for (size_t i = 0; i < maxIt; i++)
th.getConnectivity().compute(1, 2);
Alert::Info() << "----- Iteration: " << i << Alert::Raise;
Alert::Info() << " | Trimming mesh." << Alert::Raise;
SubMesh trimmed = th.trim(Exterior);
Alert::Info() << " | Building finite element spaces." << Alert::Raise;
const size_t d = th.getSpaceDimension();
P1 sh(th);
P1 vh(th, d);
P1 shInt(trimmed);
P1 vhInt(trimmed, d);
Alert::Info() << " | Solving state equation." << Alert::Raise;
auto f = VectorFunction{0, -1};
TrialFunction u(vhInt);
TestFunction v(vhInt);
// Elasticity equation
Problem elasticity(u, v);
elasticity = LinearElasticityIntegral(u, v)(lambda, mu)
- BoundaryIntegral(f, v).over(GammaN)
+ DirichletBC(u, VectorFunction{0, 0}).on(GammaD);
Alert::Info() << " | Computing shape gradient." << Alert::Raise;
auto jac = Jacobian(u.getSolution());
auto e = 0.5 * (jac + jac.T());
auto Ae = 2.0 * mu * e + lambda * Trace(e) * IdentityMatrix(d);
auto n = FaceNormal(th);
GridFunction miaow(shInt);
miaow = Dot(Ae, e);
// Hilbert extension-regularization procedure
TrialFunction g(vh);
TestFunction w(vh);
Problem hilbert(g, w);
hilbert = Integral(alpha * alpha * Jacobian(g), Jacobian(w))
+ Integral(g, w)
- FaceIntegral(Dot(Ae, e) - ell, Dot(n, w)).over(Gamma)
+ DirichletBC(g, VectorFunction{0, 0, 0}).on(GammaN);
auto& dJ = g.getSolution();
// Update objective
double objective = compliance(u.getSolution()) + ell * th.getArea(Interior);
fObj << objective << "\n";
Alert::Info() << " | Objective: " << obj.back() << Alert::Raise;
Alert::Info() << " | Distancing domain." << Alert::Raise;
P1 dh(th);
auto dist = MMG::Distancer(dh).setInteriorDomain(Interior)
// Advect the level set function
Alert::Info() << " | Advecting the distance function." << Alert::Raise;
GridFunction norm(sh);
norm = Frobenius(dJ);
dJ /= norm.max();
MMG::Advect(dist, dJ).step(dt);
// Recover the implicit domain
Alert::Info() << " | Meshing the domain." << Alert::Raise;
th = MMG::ImplicitDomainMesher().split(Interior, {Interior, Exterior})
.split(Exterior, {Interior, Exterior})
th.save("out/Omega." + std::to_string(i) + ".mesh");
Alert::Info() << "Saved final mesh to Omega.mesh" << Alert::Raise;
return 0;