Examples and tutorials

Examples utilizing the Rodin library.

Variational methods and weak formulations

The Rodin::Variational module is mostly used when dealing with to variational problems of the form:

\[ \text{Find} \quad u \in U \quad \text{ s.t. } \quad \forall v \in V \quad a(u, v) = b(v) \ . \]

Solving PDEs

Rodin can be used to solve partial differential equations of many types. To start solving PDEs with Rodin, we recommend taking a look at the simplest example which is how to solve the Poisson equation.

EquationLink to example
$ - \Delta u = f $ Solving the Poisson equation
$ - \nabla \cdot \sigma (u ) = 0 $ Solving the elasticity equation
$ - \Delta u + u = f \text{ on } S^2 \subset \mathbb{R}^3 $ Solving on surfaces with flat elements

Solving linear systems


In progress.

Mesh geometry


In progress.

Working with MMG

The Rodin::External::MMG module has a wide variety of uses which ranges from optimization of the mesh, to implicit domain meshing. It provides many C++ wrappers to execute the functionality of the Mmg Platform.

For the complete list of examples go to the link below:

Density optimization examples

Shape optimization examples