
People and third-party software who make Rodin possible.

Third-party Software


Boost libraries are intended to be widely useful, and usable across a broad spectrum of applications. The libraries are licensed under the Boost Software License, which is the same license Rodin utilizes.


Eigens is C++ template library for linear algebra. Eigen provides a wide range of mathematical operations, data structures, and algorithms for performing linear algebra operations efficiently and with a syntax that resembles mathematical notation. It is especially useful for tasks such as matrix and vector operations, solving linear systems, eigenvalue problems, and more. Eigen is Free Software. Starting from the 3.1.1 version, it is licensed under the MPL2, which is a simple weak copyleft license. Common questions about the MPL2 are answered in the official MPL2 FAQ.


MMG is an open source software for bidimensional and tridimensional surface and volume remeshing. It is licensed under the LGPL and is originally based on [4] .


MFEM is a modular parallel C++ library for finite element methods. Its goal is to enable high-performance scalable finite element discretization research and application development on a wide variety of platforms, ranging from laptops to supercomputers. It is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License.

ISCD Toolbox

The institute of computing and data sciences (ISCD) is dedicated to exploring and developing the potential of computational and data-driven research and training across science, humanities and medicine at Sorbonne Université. They have created a series of repositories containing various tools for various different computational tasks.


Mshdist is a simple algorithm to generate the signed distance function to given objects in two and three space dimensions. It is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License and is originally based on [3].

The original authors of the software are Charles Dapogny and Pascal Frey.


Advection is a program for solving linear advection problems in two and three dimensions. It is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License

The orignal authors of the software are Thi Thu Cuc Bui, Charles Dapogny, and Pascal Frey.


SuiteSparse is a suite of sparse matrix algorithms. Each package has its own individual license.


See the full reference list to the scientific papers which have been used or provide sources of inspiration for the library.