Rodin namespace

The Rodin library for Shape and Topology Optimization.


namespace Assembly
Module for performing the assembly of linear algebra objects from variational expressions.
namespace Context
Module for serial, multi-threaded, distributed, and/or parallel computation.
namespace External
Third-party library integrations with Rodin.
namespace FormLanguage
Module for writing high level abstract expressions.
namespace Geometry
Module for dealing with geometries.
namespace IO
Module for dealing with I/O functionality.
namespace Math
Module for general mathematical operations.
namespace Models
Module which provides implementation of various variational models.
namespace Plot
Module for visualization tools.
namespace QF
Module for defining quadrature formulae.
namespace Solver
Module for linear algebra systems.
namespace Test
Module containing various utilities and classes for writing tests.
namespace Tests
Tests of the Rodin library
namespace Threads
Module containing various tools for working with threads.
namespace Traits
Module containing metaprogramming facilities.
namespace Utility
Module containing general purpose and language support utility classes.
namespace Variational
Module which provides the necessary tools for constructing variational problems.


template<class Real>
using Array = Eigen::ArrayX<Real>
Standard array type.
using IndexArray = Array<Index>
Standard array of indices.
using Integer = int
Standard type for representing integer values.
using Boolean = bool
Standard type for representing boolean values.
using Float = float
Standard type for representing (32 bit) floating-point values.
using Double = double
Standard type for representing double precision (64 bit) floating-point values.
using Index = std::size_t
Standard type for representing indices.
using Real = Double
Standard type for representing scalar values.
using Complex = std::complex<Real>
Standard type for representing complex values.
template<class T>
using FlatSet = boost::container::flat_set<T>
Standard flat set type.
template<class T>
using UnorderedSet = boost::unordered_set<T>
Standard unordered set type.
template<class K, class T>
using Map = boost::container::map<K, T>
Standard ordered map type.
template<class ... Params>
using UnorderedMap = boost::unordered_map<Params...>
Standard unordered map type.
template<class K, class T>
using FlatMap = boost::container::flat_map<K, T>
Standard flat map type.
using IndexSet = FlatSet<Index>
Standard set of indices.
template<class T>
using IndexMap = FlatMap<Index, T>
Standard map of indices.