Rodin namespace
The Rodin library for Shape and Topology Optimization.
- namespace Assembly
- Module for performing the assembly of linear algebra objects from variational expressions.
- namespace Context
- Module for serial, multi-threaded, distributed, and/or parallel computation.
- namespace External
- Third-party library integrations with Rodin.
- namespace FormLanguage
- Module for writing high level abstract expressions.
- namespace Geometry
- Module for dealing with geometries.
- namespace IO
- Module for dealing with I/O functionality.
- namespace Math
- Module for general mathematical operations.
- namespace Models
- Module which provides implementation of various variational models.
- namespace Plot
- Module for visualization tools.
- namespace QF
- Module for defining quadrature formulae.
- namespace Solver
- Module for linear algebra systems.
- namespace Test
- Module containing various utilities and classes for writing tests.
- namespace Tests
- Tests of the Rodin library
- namespace Threads
- Module containing various tools for working with threads.
- namespace Traits
- Module containing metaprogramming facilities.
- namespace Utility
- Module containing general purpose and language support utility classes.
- namespace Variational
- Module which provides the necessary tools for constructing variational problems.
template<class Real>using Array = Eigen::ArrayX<Real>
- Standard array type.
- using IndexArray = Array<Index>
- Standard array of indices.
- using Integer = int
- Standard type for representing integer values.
- using Boolean = bool
- Standard type for representing boolean values.
- using Float = float
- Standard type for representing (32 bit) floating-point values.
- using Double = double
- Standard type for representing double precision (64 bit) floating-point values.
- using Index = std::size_t
- Standard type for representing indices.
- using Real = Double
- Standard type for representing scalar values.
- using Complex = std::complex<Real>
- Standard type for representing complex values.
template<class T>using FlatSet = boost::container::flat_set<T>
- Standard flat set type.
template<class T>using UnorderedSet = boost::unordered_set<T>
- Standard unordered set type.
template<class K, class T>using Map = boost::container::map<K, T>
- Standard ordered map type.
template<class ... Params>using UnorderedMap = boost::unordered_map<Params...>
- Standard unordered map type.
template<class K, class T>using FlatMap = boost::container::flat_map<K, T>
- Standard flat map type.
- using IndexSet = FlatSet<Index>
- Standard set of indices.
template<class T>using IndexMap = FlatMap<Index, T>
- Standard map of indices.