Rodin::External::MMG namespace

MMG integration with Rodin.

The Rodin::External::MMG module has a wide variety of uses which ranges from optimization of the mesh, to implicit domain meshing. It provides many C++ wrappers to execute the functionality of the Mmg Platform.


class Advect
Advection of a level set function by a velocity field.
struct NoSplitT
Empty class tag to specify that a material reference should not be splitted.
struct Split
Class to specify the interior and exterior material references.
class Distancer<typename FormLanguage::Traits<RealGridFunction>::FESType>
Class which generates the signed distance function of a domain.
class Distancer<void>
Distancer specialization for redistancing a level set function.
class ImplicitDomainMesher
Class to perform the discretization and optimization of a surface implicitly defined by a level set function.
class Mesh
Mesh class which has support for MMG functionalities.
class Optimizer
Improves the mesh quality, mantaining the mean edge lenghts of the mesh.
class MeshPrinter
Class used to print objects of type MMG::Mesh.
class MMG5
Class representing MMG5 objects utilized in the MMG framework.


using SplitMap = UnorderedMap<Geometry::Attribute, std::variant<Split, NoSplitT>>
Map indicating how a material reference should be split into exterior and interior material references.
template<class Range>
using GridFunction = Variational::GridFunction<Variational::P1<Range, Geometry::Mesh<Context::Sequential>>>
GridFunction class for use with the Rodin::External::MMG module.
using RealGridFunction = GridFunction<Real>
Type alias for a GridFunction with scalar range.
using VectorGridFunction = GridFunction<Math::Vector<Real>>
Type alias for a GridFunction with vector range.
using ReturnCode = int
Type of return code used by the MMG functions.


static NoSplitT NoSplit constexpr
Instance of the empty struct tag NoSplitT.
const char* ISCD_MSHDIST_EXECUTABLE constexpr
Path to the ISCD Mshdist executable.
const char* ISCD_ADVECTION_EXECUTABLE constexpr
Path to the ISCD Mshdist executable.
const int VERBOSITY_LEVEL constexpr
Verbosity level for MMG console output.

Variable documentation

const char* Rodin::External::MMG::ISCD_MSHDIST_EXECUTABLE constexpr

Path to the ISCD Mshdist executable.

const char* Rodin::External::MMG::ISCD_ADVECTION_EXECUTABLE constexpr

Path to the ISCD Mshdist executable.

const int Rodin::External::MMG::VERBOSITY_LEVEL constexpr

Verbosity level for MMG console output.

Ranges from -1 to INT_MAX. A higher number means more verbose output.