Rodin::External::MMG::Distancer<void> class

Distancer specialization for redistancing a level set function.

Public functions

void redistance(RealGridFunction& sol)
Redistances the level set function.
auto setCPUs(unsigned int ncpu) -> Distancer&
Specifies how many CPUs to use when distancing in parallel.
auto getCPUs() const -> unsigned int

Function documentation

void Rodin::External::MMG::Distancer<void>::redistance(RealGridFunction& sol)

Redistances the level set function.

sol in/out Level set function

Given a level set function defined on the vertices of a bounding box $ D $ , this method will regenerate the signed distance function associated to the the subdomain $ \Omega \subset D $ which the level set function represents.

Distancer& Rodin::External::MMG::Distancer<void>::setCPUs(unsigned int ncpu)

Specifies how many CPUs to use when distancing in parallel.

ncpu in Number of CPUs to use

By default, it will utilize std::thread::hardware_concurrency().

unsigned int Rodin::External::MMG::Distancer<void>::getCPUs() const

Returns Number of CPUs which will be used when performing the distancing.