template<class FES>
Rodin::Variational::GridFunction class

Represents a grid function belonging to some finite element space.

Template parameters
FES Type of finite element space

A GridFunction object represents a function whose values are known at the "grid points". These grid points are the node coordinates of the global degrees of freedom in the finite element space.


In general, the GridFunction class represents the global interpolation operator on the $ \mathcal{T}_h $ -based family of finite elements $ \{ K, P_K, \Sigma_K \}_{K \in \mathcal{T}_h } $ . More precisely, it defines the global interpolation operator $ \mathcal{I}_h : D(\mathcal{I}_h) \rightarrow V_h $ , where:

\[ D(\mathcal{I}_h) := \{ v \in V(\mathcal{T}_h) : \forall K \in \mathcal{T}_h, \: v|_K \in V(K) \} \: . \]