Rodin::External::MMG::Mesh class

Mesh class which has support for MMG functionalities.

Base classes

class Mesh<Context::Sequential>
Represents the subdivision of some domain into faces of (possibly) different geometries.

Public types

class Builder
Class used to build MMG::Mesh instances.
using Parent = Geometry::Mesh<Rodin::Context::Sequential>
Parent class.
using CornerIndex = IndexSet
Index of corners in the mesh.
using RidgeIndex = IndexSet
Index of ridges in the mesh.

Public static functions

static auto Build() -> MMG::Mesh::Builder
Generates a Builder instance to build an MMG::Mesh object.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Mesh() defaulted
Constructs an empty mesh with no elements.
Mesh(Parent&& other)
Move constructs a Mesh to an MMG::Mesh.
Mesh(const Mesh& other)
Copy constructor.
Mesh(Mesh&& other)
Move constructor.

Public functions

auto operator=(Mesh&& other) -> Mesh&
Move assignment.
auto setCorner(Index vertexIdx) -> Mesh&
Adds the vertex to the corner index.
auto setRidge(Index edgeIdx) -> Mesh&
Adds the edge to the ridge index.
auto getCorners() const -> const CornerIndex&
Gets the index of corners.
auto getCorners() -> CornerIndex&
Gets the index of corners.
auto getRidges() const -> const RidgeIndex&
Gets the index of ridges.
auto getRidges() -> RidgeIndex&
Gets the index of ridges.
void save(const boost::filesystem::path& filename, IO::FileFormat fmt = IO::FileFormat::MFEM, size_t precison = 16) const override
Saves a mesh to file in the given format.
auto load(const boost::filesystem::path& filename, IO::FileFormat fmt = IO::FileFormat::MFEM) -> Mesh& override
Loads a mesh from file in the given format.

Function documentation

Mesh& Rodin::External::MMG::Mesh::setRidge(Index edgeIdx)

Adds the edge to the ridge index.

m_cornerIndex = std::move(other.m_cornerIndex);

void Rodin::External::MMG::Mesh::save(const boost::filesystem::path& filename, IO::FileFormat fmt = IO::FileFormat::MFEM, size_t precison = 16) const override

Saves a mesh to file in the given format.

filename in Name of file to write
fmt in Mesh file format
Returns Reference to this (for method chaining)

Mesh& Rodin::External::MMG::Mesh::load(const boost::filesystem::path& filename, IO::FileFormat fmt = IO::FileFormat::MFEM) override

Loads a mesh from file in the given format.

filename in Name of file to read
fmt in Mesh file format
Returns Reference to this (for method chaining)