template<class Operator, class Vector, class Scalar>
Rodin::Solver::SolverBase class

Abstract base class for linear algebra solvers.

Represents an object which can solve sysystems of the type:

\[ Ax = b \: , \]

where $ A $ has type $ \text{OperatorType} $ , the solution $ x $ has type $ \text{VectorType} $ , and the right hand side $ b $ has type $ \text{VectorType} $ .

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

~SolverBase() defaulted virtual
Default virtual destructor.

Public functions

void solve(OperatorType& A, VectorType& x, VectorType& b) pure virtual
Solves the linear algebra system.

Function documentation

template<class Operator, class Vector, class Scalar>
void Rodin::Solver::SolverBase<Operator, Vector, Scalar>::solve(OperatorType& A, VectorType& x, VectorType& b) pure virtual

Solves the linear algebra system.

in/out Left hand side operator
in/out Input for the initial guess, and output for the solution
in/out Right hand side vector

Solves the following system:

\[ Ax = b , \]

where $ A $ has type $ \text{OperatorType} $ , the solution $ x $ has type $ \text{VectorType} $ , and the right hand side $ b $ has type $ \text{VectorType} $ .