template<class Derived>
Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementBase class

Base class for finite elements.

Public functions

auto getCount() const -> size_t constexpr
Gets the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element.
auto getNode(size_t i) const -> auto constexpr
Gets the i-th degree of freedom on the finite element.
auto getNodes() const -> const Math::PointMatrix& constexpr
auto getBasis(size_t i) const -> const auto& constexpr
Gets the i-th basis function of the finite element.
auto getLinearForm(size_t i) const -> const auto& constexpr
Gets the i-th linear function on the finite element.

Function documentation

template<class Derived>
size_t Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementBase<Derived>::getCount() const constexpr

Gets the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element.

template<class Derived>
const Math::PointMatrix& Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementBase<Derived>::getNodes() const constexpr

template<class Derived>
const auto& Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementBase<Derived>::getBasis(size_t i) const constexpr

Gets the i-th basis function of the finite element.

template<class Derived>
const auto& Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementBase<Derived>::getLinearForm(size_t i) const constexpr

Gets the i-th linear function on the finite element.