Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementSpaceBase class

Base class for finite element spaces.

Derived classes

template<class Derived>
class FiniteElementSpace
Represernts a finite element space.
template<class Derived>
class FiniteElementSpace
Represernts a finite element space.
template<class Derived>
class FiniteElementSpace
Represernts a finite element space.
template<class Derived>
class FiniteElementSpace
Represernts a finite element space.
template<class Derived>
class FiniteElementSpace
Represernts a finite element space.

Public functions

auto getSize() const -> size_t pure virtual
Gets the total number of degrees of freedom.
auto getVectorDimension() const -> size_t pure virtual
Gets the dimension of the range space, i.e. the number of components of each basis function.
auto getMesh() const -> const Geometry::MeshBase& pure virtual
Gets the constant reference to the mesh upon which the finite element space is built on.
auto getDOFs(size_t d, Index i) const -> const IndexArray& pure virtual
Gets a set of global degree of freedom indices associated to the polytope of dimension $ d $ and index $ i $ .
auto getGlobalIndex(const std::pair<size_t, Index>& idx, Index local) const -> Index virtual
Gets the global index for the local degree of freedom on the $ (d, i) $ -polytope.

Function documentation

size_t Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementSpaceBase::getSize() const pure virtual

Gets the total number of degrees of freedom.

Returns Size of the finite element space

size_t Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementSpaceBase::getVectorDimension() const pure virtual

Gets the dimension of the range space, i.e. the number of components of each basis function.

Returns Vector dimension of the finite element space.

const Geometry::MeshBase& Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementSpaceBase::getMesh() const pure virtual

Gets the constant reference to the mesh upon which the finite element space is built on.

Returns Constant reference to mesh

const IndexArray& Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementSpaceBase::getDOFs(size_t d, Index i) const pure virtual

Gets a set of global degree of freedom indices associated to the polytope of dimension $ d $ and index $ i $ .

Returns Set of indices associated to the $ (d, i) $ -polytope.

Index Rodin::Variational::FiniteElementSpaceBase::getGlobalIndex(const std::pair<size_t, Index>& idx, Index local) const virtual

Gets the global index for the local degree of freedom on the $ (d, i) $ -polytope.

idx in Pair representing the $ (d, i) $ -polytope.
local in Local degree of freedom index.