Building the documentation

Rodin builds the documentation through the RodinDoxygen target. However, there are few options to configure depending on the style of the documentation you want to obtain. In this page we show how to build the documentation and explain some of the options.

CMake options

RODIN_BUILD_DOCBuild the Rodin documentation
RODIN_USE_MCSSUse m.css style documentation

Unstyled documentation


  • Doxygen 1.8.15+

If you want to build the plain old-fashioned documentation you only need to set the RODIN_BUILD_DOC flag to ON.

make RodinDoxygen

The generated Doxygen documentation will then be inside the doc/ subdirectory.

Styled documentation

For the styled documentation we utilize m.css.


  • Doxygen 1.8.2+
  • Python 3.6+
  • LaTeX
    • texlive-base
    • texlive-latex-extra
    • texlive-fonts-extra
    • texlive-fonts-recommended
make RodinDoxygen

The generated Doxygen documentation will then be inside the doc/ subdirectory.