Rodin::Variational::F namespace

Contains built-in functions.


static auto x((const Geometry::Point&p) { return p.x();}) -> RealFunction
Represents the first coordinate of the point.
static auto y((const Geometry::Point&p) { return p.y();}) -> RealFunction
Represents the first coordinate of the point.
static auto z((const Geometry::Point&p) { return p.z();}) -> RealFunction
Represents the first coordinate of the point.

Function documentation

static RealFunction Rodin::Variational::F::x((const Geometry::Point&p) { return p.x();})

Represents the first coordinate of the point.

Represents the function $ f : \mathcal{T}_h \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ defined by:

\[ f(x_1, \cdots, x_d) = x_1 \: . \]

static RealFunction Rodin::Variational::F::y((const Geometry::Point&p) { return p.y();})

Represents the first coordinate of the point.

Represents the function $ f : \mathcal{T}_h \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ defined by:

\[ f(x_1, \cdots, x_d) = x_2 \: . \]

static RealFunction Rodin::Variational::F::z((const Geometry::Point&p) { return p.z();})

Represents the first coordinate of the point.

Represents the function $ f : \mathcal{T}_h \rightarrow \mathbb{R} $ defined by:

\[ f(x_1, \cdots, x_d) = x_3 \: . \]