Rodin::Geometry::PointBase class

Base class for spatial points on a discrete mesh.

This class represents the tuple $ (x, r, p) $ such that:

\[ p = x(r) \]

for a polytope $ \tau \in \mathcal{T}_h $ belonging to the mesh $ \mathcal{T}_h $ . Here, $ p \in \tau $ denotes the physical coordinates of the point, while $ x : K \rightarrow \tau $ represents the transformation taking reference coordinates $ r \in K $ , for a reference geometry $ K $ .

Thread safety

This class is not thread safe.

Derived classes

class Point final
Represents a spatial point on a discrete mesh.

Public types

enum class Coordinates { Reference, Physical }
Denotes the type of coordinates.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

PointBase(const PointBase& other)
Copy constructor.
PointBase(PointBase&& other)
Move constructor.

Public functions

auto getDimension(Coordinates coords = Coordinates::Physical) const -> size_t
Gets the space dimension of the physical coordinates.
auto operator()(size_t i) const -> Real
Gets the i-th physical coordinate.
auto x() const -> Real
Gets the $ x $ coordinate.
auto y() const -> Real
Gets the $ y $ coordinate.
auto z() const -> Real
Gets the $ z $ coordinate.
auto operator<(const PointBase& p) const -> bool
Lexicographical comparison.
auto getJacobian() const -> const Math::SpatialMatrix<Real>& virtual
Computes the Jacobian matrix of the transformation at the point.
auto getJacobianInverse() const -> const Math::SpatialMatrix<Real>&
Computes the inverse of the Jacobian matrix of the transformation at the point.
auto getDistortion() const -> Real
Computes the distortion of space of the transformation at the point.

Enum documentation

enum class Rodin::Geometry::PointBase::Coordinates

Denotes the type of coordinates.


Reference coordinates.


Physical coordinates.

Function documentation

size_t Rodin::Geometry::PointBase::getDimension(Coordinates coords = Coordinates::Physical) const

Gets the space dimension of the physical coordinates.

Returns Dimension of the physical coordinates.

Real Rodin::Geometry::PointBase::operator()(size_t i) const

Gets the i-th physical coordinate.

Returns Physical i-th coordinate.

Real Rodin::Geometry::PointBase::x() const

Gets the $ x $ coordinate.

Returns $ x $ coordinate of the point.

Real Rodin::Geometry::PointBase::y() const

Gets the $ y $ coordinate.

Returns $ y $ coordinate of the point.

Real Rodin::Geometry::PointBase::z() const

Gets the $ z $ coordinate.

Returns $ z $ coordinate of the point.