Rodin::QF::GrundmannMoller class

Grundmann-Möller Simplex Quadrature.

Implements the Grundmann-Möller integration rules as described in [5]. These quadrature formulae are defined only on simplices and have an odd degree $ d = 2s + 1 $ parametrized by $ s \geq 0 $ .

Base classes

class QuadratureFormulaBase
Abstract base class for quadrature formulas.

Public types

using Parent = QuadratureFormulaBase
Parent class.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

GrundmannMoller(size_t s, Geometry::Polytope::Type geom)
Constructs the quadrature formula.

Public functions

auto getPoint(size_t i) const -> const Math::SpatialVector<Real>& override
Returns a reference to a vector containing the coordinates in reference space.

Function documentation

Rodin::QF::GrundmannMoller::GrundmannMoller(size_t s, Geometry::Polytope::Type geom)

Constructs the quadrature formula.

in Parameter which will indicate the degree.
geom in Simplex where the quadrature is defined.

const Math::SpatialVector<Real>& Rodin::QF::GrundmannMoller::getPoint(size_t i) const override

Returns a reference to a vector containing the coordinates in reference space.