Rodin::Geometry::Polytope class

Base class for all geometric elements of the mesh.

Derived classes

class Cell
Class for representing polytopes of the highest dimension in the mesh, i.e. tetrahedra in 3D, triangles in 2D or lines in 1D.
class Face
Class for representing elements of codimension 1 in the mesh, i.e. triangles in 3D or lines in 2D.
class Vertex
Represents a vertex of the mesh.

Public types

enum class Type { Point, Segment, Triangle, Quadrilateral, Tetrahedron, TriangularPrism }
The type of the Polytope geometry.

Public static variables

static std::array<Type, 6> Types constexpr
Iterable of possible polytope geometry types.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Polytope(size_t dimension, Index index, const MeshBase& mesh)
Consructs a polytope of dimension $ d $ and index $ i $ belonging to the given mesh.

Public functions

auto getIndex() const -> Index
Gets the index of the simplex in the mesh.
auto getMesh() const -> const MeshBase&
Gets the associated mesh to the simplex.
auto getAttribute() const -> Attribute
Gets the attribute of the simplex.
auto getMeasure() const -> Real
Gets the measure of the polytope.

Function documentation

Real Rodin::Geometry::Polytope::getMeasure() const

Gets the measure of the polytope.

Returns The measure of the polytope.

Gets the $ d $ -dimensional measure of the polytope. This has different names in different dimensions. See table below.

Dimension of polytopeMeasure
0Always zero