template<class Number, class Mesh>
Rodin::Variational::GridFunction<P0<Number, Mesh>> class final

P0 GridFunction.

Base classes

template<class FES, class Derived>
class GridFunctionBase<P0<Number, Mesh>, GridFunction<P0<Number, Mesh>>>
Base class for grid function objects.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

GridFunction(const FESType& fes)
Constructs a grid function on a finite element space.
GridFunction(const GridFunction& other)
Copies the grid function.
GridFunction(GridFunction&& other)
Move constructs the grid function.

Public functions

auto operator=(GridFunction&& other) -> GridFunction& constexpr
Move assignment operator.

Function documentation

template<class Number, class Mesh>
Rodin::Variational::GridFunction<P0<Number, Mesh>><Number, Mesh>::GridFunction(const FESType& fes)

Constructs a grid function on a finite element space.

fes in Finite element space to which the function belongs to.

template<class Number, class Mesh>
Rodin::Variational::GridFunction<P0<Number, Mesh>><Number, Mesh>::GridFunction(const GridFunction& other)

Copies the grid function.

other in Other grid function to copy.

template<class Number, class Mesh>
Rodin::Variational::GridFunction<P0<Number, Mesh>><Number, Mesh>::GridFunction(GridFunction&& other)

Move constructs the grid function.

other in Other grid function to move.