template<class Number>
Rodin::Variational::LinearFormIntegratorBase class

Base class for linear form integrators.

An instance of LinearFormIntegratorBase performs the assembly of the element vector for each finite element.

Public functions

auto getAttributes() const -> const FlatSet<Geometry::Attribute>&
Gets the attributes of the elements being integrated.
auto over(Geometry::Attribute attr) -> LinearFormIntegratorBase&
Specifies the material reference over which to integrate.
auto over(const FlatSet<Geometry::Attribute>& attrs) -> LinearFormIntegratorBase&
Specifies the material references over which to integrate.
auto copy() const -> LinearFormIntegratorBase* override noexcept
Copies the object and returns a non-owning pointer to the copied object.

Function documentation

template<class Number>
LinearFormIntegratorBase& Rodin::Variational::LinearFormIntegratorBase<Number>::over(Geometry::Attribute attr)

Specifies the material reference over which to integrate.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Specifies the material reference over which the integration should take place.

template<class Number>
LinearFormIntegratorBase& Rodin::Variational::LinearFormIntegratorBase<Number>::over(const FlatSet<Geometry::Attribute>& attrs)

Specifies the material references over which to integrate.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Specifies the material references over which the integration should take place.

template<class Number>
LinearFormIntegratorBase* Rodin::Variational::LinearFormIntegratorBase<Number>::copy() const override noexcept

Copies the object and returns a non-owning pointer to the copied object.

Returns Non-owning pointer to the copied object.