Rodin::Variational::P0Element<Real> class final

Degree 0 scalar Lagrange element.

Base classes

template<class Derived>
class FiniteElementBase<P0Element<Real>>
Base class for finite elements.

Public types

class BasisFunction
Represents a basis function of a P0 scalar element.
class GradientFunction
Represents a gradient basis function of a P0 scalar element.
class LinearForm
Represents a linear form of a P0 scalar element.
using Parent = FiniteElementBase<P0Element<Real>>
Parent class.
using RangeType = Real
Type of range.

Public functions

auto getCount() const -> size_t constexpr
Gets the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element.

Function documentation

size_t Rodin::Variational::P0Element<Real>::getCount() const constexpr

Gets the number of degrees of freedom in the finite element.

Returns Number of degrees of freedom