template<class LHS, class RHS>
Rodin::Variational::Sum class

Represents the sum operation.

Template parameters
LHS Type of left hand side operand
RHS Type of right hand side operand

Represents the following mathematical expression:

\[ \text{LHS} + \text{RHS} \]

which represents the usual arithmetic addition of two operands.

Range Deduction Rules

The rule for deducing the range of a Sum object, denoted $ \texttt{Range}[\text{LHS} + \text{RHS}]$ , is the following:

\[ \dfrac {\vdash \texttt{Range}[\text{LHS}] = \texttt{Range}[\text{RHS}] =: \texttt{R}} {\vdash \texttt{Range}[\text{LHS} + \text{RHS}] : \texttt{R}} \]