template<class Scalar, class Derived>
Rodin::Variational::VectorFunctionBase class

Base class for vector-valued functions defined on a mesh.

Base classes

template<class Derived>
class FunctionBase<VectorFunctionBase<Scalar, Derived>>
Base class for function objects which can be evaluated over a mesh.

Public functions

auto x() const -> auto constexpr
Convenience function to access the 1st component of the vector.
auto y() const -> auto constexpr
Convenience function to access the 2nd component of the vector.
auto operator()(size_t i) const -> auto constexpr
Access the ith component of the vector function.
auto getDimension() const -> size_t constexpr
Gets the dimension of the vector object.
auto copy() const -> VectorFunctionBase* override noexcept
Copies the object and returns a non-owning pointer to the copied object.

Function documentation

template<class Scalar, class Derived>
auto Rodin::Variational::VectorFunctionBase<Scalar, Derived>::operator()(size_t i) const constexpr

Access the ith component of the vector function.

Returns Object of type Component<VectorFunctionBase> representing the ith component of the VectorFunction.

template<class Scalar, class Derived>
size_t Rodin::Variational::VectorFunctionBase<Scalar, Derived>::getDimension() const constexpr

Gets the dimension of the vector object.

Returns Dimension of vector.

template<class Scalar, class Derived>
VectorFunctionBase* Rodin::Variational::VectorFunctionBase<Scalar, Derived>::copy() const override noexcept

Copies the object and returns a non-owning pointer to the copied object.

Returns Non-owning pointer to the copied object.